Me and Jesse
William, Kimberlee, and Kevin
Action shot of Courtney, Katrin, Kevin, and Claudia
Caroline and Meredith
Ben, Brian, William, and Bob getting some wine and food.
Scott gives a toast!
Taylor cooking it up!
Me, Katie, Meredith, and Courtney
Katie and Claudia
Louise, Caroline, and Bob
The men hanging out: Taylor, Phil, and Jesse
Yesterday we got more in depth with acrobatics in Movement with Claudia. We learned how to roll on the ground and started learning how to roll over each other. We worked more on the handstand; with the image of rolling a bowling ball on the floor.
Our second day with Marcello was much more physical. Our warm-ups consisted of isolations, shoulder contrasts, swingy hand thing (that is what I call it) as counter isolations. We learned the robot man in 5 parts, the puppet breakdown and build up (in ten parts). Then we started the Balloon Guy. This is a very hard exercise. You start by standing with your arms outstretched. Next, as if you were filled with air and someone took a pin and poked you in the center of your body, you begin to deflate. You deflate to the floor... but there is one catch, all parts of your body must move at the same time and stop at the same time. It is not as easy as it sounds.
After this we did walking exercises. The catch being that the whole group has to start at the same time. Then once we have started we had to pick a partner without making it obvious. The next time we had to pick a partner and then a place to meet without making it obvious. No talking... just eye contact. This exercise is fantastic for group building. It starts us out listening to each other without words. Then into breath exercises. First, you sit on the ground cross-legged, take in a big breath while turning your head to the left, blow out the air while head twists back to the right. The point is to finish the movement and the air at the same time. The next step is to do the same thing but this time draw a water scene: first the waves, then the ship, then blow the ship away. Finally, we laid down and isolated the breath coming in and out of our chest and stomach. Then we started improvs... you'd have to be there.
Today we had voice work with Kevin. We started with breathing and releasing exercises on the ground. Same concept of isolation, but starting with the chest, to the ribs, to the stomach, to the pelvis. We did this solo, in pairs, and in trios. Next we worked with elbow rounds. Laying down putting our elbows across our chest, moving them in a circular motion, vertical, and horizontal. We let the air out on an 's' then moved into sound. Now, by ourselves, we performed the clavical and ribcage press with air.
We started what William calls 'Wiggle-O's' and started working with text and sound. Imagine it, all of these people standing in a circle, vibrating their body and trying to read an E.E. Cummings poem (this is what my facebook status comes from)... pretty hilarious. We continued working with this text by leading our partner around the room while they were trying to read the piece of paper, the telling it as a story to our partner, then experimenting with text and sound and dance.
In acting today we started with the same warm-ups and then worked with partners on walking away from the imaginary wall but not moving our hands and ducking under a table without moving our hands. Our partner would put their finger tips on either side of your cheek bones and you would move around it without moving your head... as if your head was stuck inbetween some bars. We worked on mirroring and leading the robot guy with sound and Puppet Guy with your partner counting. Next we worked in small groups on the sailor wheel and the 14 step pick-up sticks.
Using this last exercise we found different objects besides sticks. Keeping the same 14 step technique, just modifying it to your imagination. We did these improvs in front of the group. Mine was this: I was hot, so I saw a magazine and picked it up, while fanning myself I see an actual electric fan; I go to the fan and throw the magazine behind me as I plug in the oscilating fan and follow it back and forth; Then I take my fan when I see my refrigerator and throw it away as I open the freezer door; After I have stuck my head in the freezer, I see there is gelato (ice cream) so I grab the gelato and kick the fridge over; while eating gelato and singing I see a slip-n-slide, I go to the slip-n-slide and throw the gelato behind me; I set up the slip-n-slide and run into a belly slide across it (I actually did this, I think I really am insane). Finally we worked on more improvs. One element was added, only one person and move or talk at a time. Everyone else must keep their focus on that one person until the focus is returned to them. Very fun and interesting.
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